So today was just touring around Chester...

Totally ordered room service for breakfast :)

Bacon nastyyyy rest was good :)

Started off to see the city and saw this old church...So tight against the other buildings. Totally different from Cypress!

Then one of the more famous tourist spots in Chester, the Roman Amphitheater.

Walking down into it...

It kinda hit me right then, if it were 2000 years ago I totally would have been eaten by a tiger right then. Yikes!

Audience watching me get mauled by the tiger (at least that was what was running around in my imagination).

Trying to catch the dew on the grass in the A.M.

Church of St. John the Baptist, built in the 12th century!!! I thought turning 30 would be hard...

To me, that's the sign of a good church...

Ruins of the old Church of St John the Baptist...

View from the Church

View of the River from the Church

LOVED watching the squirrels play outside the Church courtyard...

More ruins...

Nice clock on the church

Ummm the visitors center said they were open 7 days a week 9-5 and they WERE NOT!

Roman Gardens...Not much to see in December lol

Looks nice in theory...

Standing on the Wall around the city (walked the 2 mile path)

Walking on the Wall, supposed to be a lovely walk, and it was...just got kinda tired by the end.

Known for the designs...

River Dee and the river cruises...such a dreary day though.

Do you suppose his mom told him, "You're standing on thin ice, son!"

View from the South Wall. Loved that Cathedral/Church.

The Race Track! Wish they had live racing....but too cold, I guess. Sissies.

Grand Stands....I guess those are all simultcasters??

A middle school! Quite different from CFISD...

The hospital...

Walking the old wall around the city...Great towers at the corners, too.

I got pretty tired after 1.5 miles or so. Just cold and nasty and all the stairs, blah. But then I saw this sign from Heaven, saying "Brandy, come hither and shop for BOOK!" To which I had to respond, "*sob*But my suitcase is sooooo heavy, I can't *sob* buy any more books *sob*"

The Chester Cathedral...

Front/entrance of the Cathedral

City Hall in the (day) less dark part of the awake time. It's so dreary day/night fuse together!

Went to the Information/Visitors center beside the City Hall for souvenirs, postcards and flyers for what to do.

Inside the Cathedral...

Pretty :)

Pretty arches in the waiting area of the church where the monks waited for their daily rule listenings.....something like that.

King George in the stain glass even though he was responsible for destroying much of the church. (as a whole).

Love the shopping district! But I was a good girl today :)

The Chester Historical Museum -- CLOSED.

Grosvenor Museum -- FREE! But that's better, so I didn't feel ripped off.

I did like the reproduction of what the city looked like during the Roman Period. With the wall that I had walked earlier, and all.

LOVED the old Roman rocks, too!!

There was a Christmas Winter Wonderland carnival going on. Very cute! Except I wanted an English Santa and the person running the booth wasn't there. Hello!!!!! I"m trying to give you money!!!!!!! Stupid people.

Trying to get a more clear shot of the Clock and East Gate.

My hotel again!! Better shot!

So, I got some pictures uploaded from yesterday and went down to get some dinner. Had a bellini/champagne :)

The area of La Brasserie, where I ate. In the "light bites and cocktails" area.

My crazy chicken caesar salad. Pretty sure there was mayonaise in the caesar dressing. The poached egg was eh. The bacon was AWESOME, why was that not my breakfast?? And........I ate my first ANCHOVIE. Tasted like the chicken... Not bad, I say, not bad.

And to help wrap up a great trip. I ordered myself a Brandy Alexander. :) And enjoyed every last sip of it.
Tomorrow: New Years Eve in LONDON! Excited...Once I drop my luggage off at Heathrow. That's going to take quite a struggle but I can do it.
Goodnight all, LOVE YOU!!!