Well, this weekend I went to the (popular) Chappell Hill Bluebonnet Festival. It was definitely the craft fair of the year. So busy! And not so much about bluebonnets but was appreciative of the workout I got from it.

TRAFFFFFFFFFFFFIC We did get a great parking spot, though and our $5 went to the Chappell Hill Historic Society so I was glad to have donated to them.

This is what we saw when we walked up.

But it was ENDLESS tents with all sorts of crafts and JEWELRY! I got a beautiful pink flower ring (HUGE!) and some blue paw print earrings for Lamkin.

The newest craft I saw was this Butts collector. My dad swears he's going to start smoking outdoors so I'm hoping my aunt and I can make him one of these out of a UT pot.

MORE booths but here we got a margarita. Not worth it.

As we were leaving we some some beautiful historic homes. I'll have to return to investigate. :)

We totally got lost heading back because the festival was on the main road to the highway. There were detour signs and then they magically stopped. So my mom and I had fun getting the cows attentions and de-stressing from the road wars.



New camera setting :)

One of my favs

Probably my fav!

One of my favs!! It's a donkey!

Went to Cypress Station Grill. Love their chicken fingers. And watched Phil Mickelson win the Masters!!

Next weekend is more festivals and sadly, enough, no Llano.