I was really, really excited about this day because we were going to be starting with a 2-4 hour whale tour! Unfortunately, the seas were too rough and we had to return. It was a good thing, though, because the motion sickness was really setting in and I took my dramomine(spelling?) way too late in the game!

I can't tell you how much I would love to see a whale... One day, I guess.

So, instead we used our Go, Boston cards and headed to the Aquarium right beside the dock.

The penguins exhibit was right when you walk in the door. It takes quite a bit to get in. They want you to take your picture and all these different lines are confusing but, it was whatever. The penguins were really cute...

We walked around to the outdoor area where we saw the walrus and seals. There wasn't a show performing but it was fun watching them swim around.

In the middle of the aquarium is the huge tank full of different species of fish. The tank is 3 stories tall, so you walk up to the other floors as you watch the fish. As I was walking a shark came along to say hi. "Hi, Sharky!"

The big sting ray was cool too!

After the aquarium we went across the street to Jose McIntire's. The lunch crowd was gone so we had the place almost all to ourselves other than a bunch of men having loud conversations.

The fajitas were sooooo good and I probably ate them all :)

Then we headed back to the pier to catch the trolley to take us to Paul Revere's house. The house is far from the main streets so we got off the stop and followed these concrete sewer tops to find it.

We came upon the Copp's Hill Burying Ground. It's on the National Historic Register and Casey loves cemeteries so it was a win/win stop to explore.

A little information for you on the hill. :) I believe if you click on this the picture should be rather larger...

To think that this headstone is 3 centuries old is simply amazing!

Then we kept following the Freedom Trail and had this beautiful view of the Old North Church while walking up to it.

We toured the church and got to see where Paul Revere was the bell ringer and helped warn the citizens that the British were on their way!

The family pews were really interesting to explore.

I appreciated the memorial they had representing the men and women who had died in Iraq/Afghanistan. We all offered up our coins to the memorial. They were all set upon the rocks. Thanks to our service members!!!!!

The gift shop was great and had a lot of book recommendations for me! Instead of buying so many books, now, I take pictures of all the books I want to order on Amazon for cheaper and then I don't have to lug them home. :)

The Paul Revere statue was in the Paul Revere Mall which was a cobbled-stone street with lots of plaques showcasing important Americans in the American Revolution. At the beginning (or end, from my direction) was this great statue.

Another shot with the statue and the Church in the background. :)

Then...the HIGHLIGHT of my trip...we arrived at Paul Revere's House!!!!

Once you pay your money this is the view of the house where you enter it.

Of course, no pictures were allowed inside but you got to see the entire house. It looks huge but it really doesn't take but 10-15 minutes to walk through it and look at the plaques. It's so touristy, though, that you're constantly waiting on others to move to see all the details. There's only about 2 rooms to see upstairs (master bedroom and childrens' room) and then the kitchen and kitchen downstairs. It was still AMAZING :)

Finally, the Go Card offered a Sunset Cruise on a Schooner that I wanted to go on. Kristi and Casey decided to get something to eat and get a good nights' sleep since our flight was so early. But I wanted to keep stretching my dollars on the card so.... I got my tickets.

While on the scooner I got to see the Salem's Friendship that I had toured a few days ago! That was really neat...

And I got some great pictures of the city and the Harbor. I also met a great couple on the boat who asked for this very website. Maybe they're reading? :) After the cruise I took the train to Cheesecake Factory and then back to the hotel... A great way to end the trip!