Earlier this month I had the pleasure of being invited to a Texas Highways Magazine event. I write on their Facebook page all the time, as I follow their magazine fairly religiously. After posting a rave review of the photo editor's new exhibit he befriended me on Facebook. Then invited me to come meet with them.
It was so surreal! He told me they talk about me at the magazine, and how lucky I am I get to travel so much (I feel the same way!). He gave me a lot of one-on-one advice on photography and types of cameras. I made some new photography friends too. It was an amazing time. I even joined them for lunch at a very neat BBQ place.

When meeting Griff Smith, photography editor at Texas Highways he gave a talk on his photography exhibit. It was filmed for a video on the exhibit. I loved it! (Even though I had been to many of the places myself.) :p

We were allowed to ask questions, and it was a good time. Only 4-5 other people were there so it was kind of like friends just hanging out talking about photography. I did learn a lot about submitting photos to magazines though. Will have to keep that info tucked into my notes. :)

New Zion Missionary Baptist Church Barbeque. Very small, only a few picnic tables and fold out tables. But, dang, the meat was GOOD! I wasn't planning on going but one of the women at the photo exhibit was trying to get me to go. Nothing like making new friends!

While the group took off back to Austin with a stop in Caldwell, I decided not to follow them since I'd want to drink and be too far from home. Well, that and I wasn't dressed to go dancing in a honky tonk. They were all much older, too so I'm pretty sure I would have been a third wheel. So, again, they took off on their roadtrip but I headed to Historic Downtown Huntsville. I saw this mural on the side of the shopping buildings. Very nicely done!

The county courthouse...Not as cute as the big, fancy ones.

The antique stores on Main Street were open but the cute, girlie shops weren't. :( Which means? Return trip must be had!

The antique store had plenty of stuff you'd regularly find. I did find some cute crafty ideas though.

I loved the letters from the Scrabble game and the old letter game (I forgot the name!). Will have to do that for my classroom.

While in downtown found some historical buildings and plaques. Still interested in learning more about the dates of Sam Houston and his Masonic affiliations, including the time he became apart of the group.

Some people have their own hobbies. Whatever makes you happy.

This store looked SOOOO me and soooo cute. But, unfortunately, was closed.

The visitors center was also closed once I got there but still a VERY cute set-up. That cabin is time period and originial.

It was so small! So interesting to see how people lived back in the frontier days.

As I was leaving the area I saw this beautiful sign of Sam Houston State University which owns the building where the photo exibit was.

Since Huntsville was such a fun experience and I was on a travel high of hanging out with the photo editor of my FAVORITE travel magazine I felt like celebrating with some real shopping. So I stopped at the addicting Sam Moon center and got way too much jewelry...but again, I get my moneys worth so it's not that bad...But I spent too much but it was well worth it and since I didn't splurge in Huntsville it wasn't that noticeable.

So, after shopping I ended up going to the Woodlands Mall and thought of calling my friend Shanna since it was her birthday on Sunday. Ended up just going to the movies. I bought these cupcakes to celebrate with and put them in my purse to sneak in. The movies were too packed to feast on them but yucky, I'm glad we didn't eat them in the dark. It got moved around way too much. Yucky looking, but don't judge a book by it's cover, they were delicious!!!!!
Another fun weekend in the books.
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