Well, on Day 5 I was hoping to spend the day around the resort...Didn't exactly end that way, proving it's always good to have a Plan B when travelling!

So I started by hitting a bucket of balls while renting a few clubs. It's difficult renting left-handed clubs but I got a 6 wood and driver. The driver was probably up to my chest, so I didn't do very well but it still felt good to work on my swing and footing with such a cool view. :)

I tried finding the ski village and snow tubing since it was opened for the day but I couldn't...So I decided to head about 30 minutes South to Staunton, also in my 1000 Things to See Before You Die book.

Staunton is well boasted for being the birthplace of President Woodrow Wilson. So, of course, that's where I started.

The back of the house, really, as I was walking from the ticket office/visitor's center to the museum where the tour began.

The Woodrow Wilson Museum was held in this building. The entrance is on the side. But I thought the front was very beautiful!

The entrance to the museum, on the side of the house.

They had a WWI exhibit of a recreated trench. There were recordings of bombs and yells that were playing... and I was the only one there. So it was very creepy!! I kind of walked around real quick, took a couple pictures and then rushed out of there. I'm such a scaredy cat!

Nice presentation, when going into his artifacts collection, huh?

The artifacts in the museum were really neat. From briefcases to a recreation of his office was nice. They had a white "dress" he would have worn as an infant, too. Then many artifacts from the time period. Really good job for a small town...
I then met my tour guide for a walk through the home. Of course, no photos were allowed and I was the ONLY one on the tour so I couldn't sneak them. :) The woman was really nice, though. It's nice to have a private tour of a president's house, heh!

The gardens behind the boyhood house of Woodrow Wilson.

Woodrow Wilson's father was a minster for the Episcipaleon Church(sorry for the spelling). You could see the steeple from the house. Although, this was not the original church, it was torn down and this beautiful one was built years later.

After the 30-minute tour I went back around and took pictures. :)

National Historic Landmark! :)

A far away view of the house...

Then I walked a couple blocks to Historic downtown Staunton. Such a neat place! A good 10 blocks made this small street. Lots of little cafes and shops lined the areas. Unfortunately, it was about 5-6pm so I couldn't get into all the shops, but I saw a few things.

Such neat buildings!

I did some shopping but couldn't find anything, really.

Another neat building and supposedly the clock tower was very important. Some of the gifts I saw had this building on it.

Another street shot... Almost looks like a movie set!


I went to eat at Mrs. Rowe's Restuarant, in the 1000 Things book but saw this souvenir shop next door, so had to stop. Got my dad some Virginia peanuts which he loved.

Mrs. Rowe's is very well known for their southern cooking.

I tried the catfish, on special with mashed potatoes and green beans. All of it was so good. I ate it ALL, I mean ALL lol.

The look inside the restaurant...

Then I went to the very popular Stonebriar Playhouse, known for it's amazing Shakespeare indoor theater...the only recreation in the world. It was absolutely beautiful, but we couldn't take pictures of the inside. You have to go tour on Saturday mornings... However, the acting was fantastic. The actors only practice together for like 3 days. So they forget their lines and make things up. OMG, soooooo talented. It was really a great night. A great summary of my time in Virginia!
The following day I was headed back to Washington, D.C.!!!
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